What Are the Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies?

While there is no such thing as a 100% hypoallergenic breed, there are cats that shed little or no hair and skin compared to other species. These cause few allergic reactions, and these breeds make them a wise choice for those who usually have bad reactions to pets.


The low production of Fel D1 protein in Bengal will make happy people among allergy sufferers, as this cat breed is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. Its rugged appearance and natural elegance have seduced many humans!

Naturally curious, lively, and playful, the Bengal is active and needs attention. It cannot tolerate solitude, so you should give it several hours a day. Otherwise, it may distance itself and seek the company of others.


The sphynx is famous for its almost hairless appearance, which gives it a unique appearance and requires special care. If you are allergic, a sphynx may be the perfect cat for you. Allergenic proteins in the cat’s salivary glands cannot get trapped in a sphynx’s fur because they do not have any.

The Devon rex:

This cat shares the same type of coat as the Cornish rex, having only the down, which is the majority of cats’ undercoat. However, the Devon rex has even less hair than the Cornish rex and therefore sheds very little. Like the Cornish Rex, it is less likely to cause allergic reactions.

Cornish Rex:

Most cat coats are arranged in 3 layers: the topcoat covering (overcoat), the insulating jacket, and finally, the fluffy undercoat. The Cornish rex is only covered with the downy undercoat, which makes it a very soft cat and means that it has less hair than other cats. As a result, it sheds much less hair and causes fewer allergic reactions.

The Balinese:

Thanks to its low production of Fel D1 protein, the Balinese is also considered a hypoallergenic cat breed. Moreover, it sheds very little hair in the absence of down, which reduces the spread of the allergenic protein. Nicknamed the Long-haired Siamese, the Balinese is endowed with a magnificent coat of dense hair. However, it needs care, including regular brushing every week to avoid knots.

Playful, loyal, and cuddly, the Balinese enjoy the company and don’t like to be left alone. He quickly becomes attached to his master and never leaves him.

The Javanese:

The Javanese, or Oriental Longhair, is another cat breed that secretes little Fel D1 protein. On the other hand, unlike its predecessors, this one appreciates tranquility and solitude. It is therefore perfect for people with allergies and those who cannot spend whole days with it.

We recommend that you spend some time with a cat of the breed you wish to adopt before making your final choice to ensure that this breed will not cause any problems for you or your family members. Here is our ranking of the seven best hypoallergenic cat breeds and the reasons why they are winners for cat allergies.

Other hypoallergenic breeds are the Egyptian cat and the Siberian cat. These two are a bit easier to care for because they tend to require less grooming. They are also considered by many to be the best cats in the world. Many veterinarians will recommend these cats as the best cats in the world.

But don’t think that just because one of these hypoallergenic cat breeds has less or no dander, they are safe. Cats can still be allergic to specific things that can be found right in your home. Your pet can always be allergic to dust mites, pollen, mold, dust, dirt, house dust, cat litter, and even foods. So it would be best if you made sure that whatever it is that you are allergic too that your pet will not have contact with that.

For example, if you are allergic to dust, then a hypoallergenic cat breed such as a Sphynx would be perfect for you. A Sphynx is a breed of cat with a long body with a floppy and soft tail. It has large ears that are covered with costly wool. Because of the yarn, sphynx tends to shed more than other cats. It is considered to be a long-haired cat.

Another breed that you might want to consider is the Devon. This is one of the oldest documented cat breeds. They also have a pretty short coat that is easily brushed. They have a sweet temper and a lovely, charming personality.

If you are looking for a mix between the two, you might want to consider a mutt like the Devon or a spayed female that has been bred to be a purebred Devon. They are gentle with their owners and require frequent baths. But they have a long, happy, and trusting personality and make a perfect family pet.

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