7 Types of Working Dogs

While many dogs are companions, other dogs do serious work that helps others. Working dogs have real jobs that they take very seriously. These dogs have natural talents that are carefully honed with intensive training. Working dogs are trained to help others and they love the work.

Many of the jobs done by dogs can be done by multiple dog breeds as well as mixed breed dogs. Kennel clubs and dog breed organizations categorize certain dog breeds in a “working group.” While those breeds traditionally worked (such as herding or guarding), today those dogs may or may not perform those functions.

Explore the types of working dogs and the jobs they are specially trained to perform.

Service Dogs

Service dog
Richard Theis/EyeEm/Getty Images

Service dogs or assistance dogs are working dogs that have been specially trained to assist persons with disabilities. The ADA has special guidelines regarding service dogs and their treatment in public places. A true service dog is trained to behave well in all types of situations so the dog can accompany the handler anywhere. Therapy dogs and emotional support dogs are NOT service dogs.

Some examples of service dogs include:

  • Guide dogs for the blind
  • Mobility assistance dogs
  • Seizure dogs and other medical assistance dogs
  • Hearing dogs for the deaf

Dog breeds commonly used include Labrador RetrieverGolden RetrieverStandard Poodle, and German Shepherd.

  • Poodle, and German Shepherd.
  • 02of 07Therapy DogsVictoria Yee/Photographer’s Choice/Getty ImagesAnimal-assisted therapy involves the use of trained, certified animals as part of a medical patient’s therapeutic plan. These “therapy dogs” offer emotional support to sick or injured persons, often visiting hospitals and nursing homes. They may also visit schools and day care centers to help educate children about dogs.Dogs of any breed, size, or age can become therapy dogs but they need the right temperament, socialization, and training. Therapy dogs must be even-tempered, well-socialized, well-trained,

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