30+ Photos That Prove That All Cats Are Secretly Evil Geniuses

I Promise it Wasn’t Me

This cat has gotten into some sort of trouble, and he’s not afraid to hide it. In fact, it’s even worse because he’s waiting for you to find out what he did so that you’ll discover true fear. This is the face of someone — or in this case, some cat — who knows that he did something terrible and is pretty proud of himself regardless. This is the true essence of a feline’s soul, and it’s why we both respect and fear them.

I Promise it Wasn’t Me

Sorry, Did You Want More?

As we can see, this cat was not happy that she wasn’t offered a single slice before her owners dove into what they thought was “their” dinner. Many cats demand an offering before they allow their owners to start eating, whether it just be a slice or the entire meal is completely up to how the cat is feeling that day. Since she wasn’t offered anything, she’s going to make sure to ruin her owner’s meal as punishment.

Sorry, Did You Want More?

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

These two cats were doing what cats do best — hunting for creatures smaller than themselves. Today was a moth, tomorrow it could be you. They realized that if they took up flanking positions on the chair, they could widen their perimeter to a full 360 degrees. We know, you thought cats were all fluffy and innocent. So did we. Clearly, the one on the right has seen the moth emerge and is alerting his companion. We don’t think that moth has much longer…

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Cat Flashbacks

It’s hard for us to imagine a scenario that would be traumatizing for a cat. After all, they’re so used to committing so many evil deeds in honor of the cat king who lives high up in the trees (and can’t get down). Yet there it is, clear as day, on this cat’s face. It’s pretty evident that this kitty has seen and done some things. We’re sure if a person had done anything close to what he has, they wouldn’t ever be able to sleep again.

Cat Flashbacks

Strike a Pose

Aww, how cute, right? This little kitty is dancing to some classic ’70s disco tunes in his head and we’re all just so overwhelmed by his adorableness. Well, guess what? While you were watching what you thought was a cat dancing, you’re now surrounded by an army of felines who are about to hold you hostage and use your house as their next forwarding base. That’s no dance move — it’s a sign to let the other kitties know to attack.

Strike a Pose

Up, Up and Away!

This might look like a cat who’s struggling to climb up a screen door, and we wouldn’t blame you for thinking that’s all it is. The fact of the matter though is that cats actually have an incredibly strict training regiment that would make even a ninja from Japan’s feudal age feel out of shape. This cat was actually scurrying his way up the door quite easily but stopped once he noticed you looking. Don’t look away to grab your camera — it’s too late.

Preparing for the New Day

There’s a move in yoga where one does a sun salutation that’s meant to greet the day as you begin for a new one. That might be what you think this is right here but honestly, would you really be surprised at this point if we told you that you were wrong? This is actually closer to the cat version of a Māori haka — a war dance that was common among the indigenous peoples of New Zealand, done just before entering battle.

Preparing for the New Day

Gotta Scratch That Itch

This is actually just a still from a video in which a cat makes a ferocious meow while standing next to his scratching post. The reason why we can’t show you the full video is due to the fact that it’s currently being studied by military scientists as they attempt to translate this cat’s yowl into something comprehensible. They believe the cat is revealing some top-secret plan Unfortunately, though, cat language is far more evolved than the way humans speak so, we still don’t fully understand it.

Gotta Scratch That Itch

Get Over Here You

These two can’t live without each other as can be seen in this adorable photo. But, that’s only because they’ve had a secret plan, which was about to be put into action until the cat on the left got cold feet. The one on the right is attempting to instill some discipline into his comrade but it doesn’t seem to be working. Clearly, this duo will be planning something new tonight while you’re fast asleep.

Get Over Here You

Whiskers! You’re All Wet, Silly!

You might be giggling now, but we promise you that by the time you’re done reading this paragraph, Whiskers will have had the last laugh. These owners thought that they were doing their cat a favor by giving him a bath. In reality, though, they were just asking to be cursed by this kitty cat’s wrath. Whiskers clearly has some plans of his own somewhere beneath all of that wet, matted fur. So, laugh while you can because this cat has officially lost all patience.

Whiskers! You’re All Wet, Silly!

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