30+ Photos That Prove That All Cats Are Secretly Evil Geniuses

t’s no secret that cats are actually evil geniuses. We may think we’re in charge, but the truth is that they’re the one animal that actually owns us. Here are some telltale signs that cats are smarter than we think…

I Got You, Bro

Vets can be a scary place for cats. Many of them are put in separate cages to stop them from putting their evil brains together and hatching plans that would be centered around world domination. These two here are simply letting each other know that the plan is still on.

I Got You, Bro

Oh My Goodness, You Got Ice Cream?

This cat is a big fan of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Then again, who could blame him? That stuff is delicious, especially the flavors with cookie dough chunks. That’s not what makes him evil, though. What makes this furry monster evil is the lengths that he’s willing to go to get his hands on that ice cream. Hopefully, his owner knows better than to deny him a scoop, or else that cat is going to “accidentally” brush his tail under his nose.

Oh My Goodness, You Got Ice Cream?

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